

I missed you, Vancity

I missed you, Vancity

As the ferry pulled into Tsawwassen, I felt my body noticeably relax. Vancouver. Finally.

Over the course of the last three months, I have:

- Plucked a chicken

- Milked a goat

- Pulled out trees by hand

- Dug vegetable beds 

- Foraged in the forest for medicinal herbs

- Sold blueberries from a tractor by the side of the road

- Washed thousands of garlic heads by hand

- Become a surrogate mother to 8 puppies

- Cut myself to ribbons picking raspberries and blackberries

- Weeded the hell out of gardens all over BC

Yep, our summer-long tour of volunteering on organic farms around BC is over. Back in the city, I feel ready to put down some roots and embrace all of those city-living perks I took for granted and only came to appreciate once wrestling with non-existent wifi in the middle of nowhere (midnight sushi anyone?) 

And, the pain of apartment-hunting aside, I can't wait to settle down here. I missed you, Vancity!

I'll be writing up all of our weird and wonderful wwoofing experiences over the coming weeks, so stay tuned! 

Sunrise on Kits Beach

Sunrise on Kits Beach

Turning 26

Turning 26