

Exciting times ahead

Exciting times ahead

Oh, hi. You look nice. How are you?

I'm good. Firstly, though, sorry for the complete radio silence here over the past month or so. I well and truly fell off the blogging wagon, not for the first time, but there are reasons. We went home for three incredibly busy weeks in April, and I've spent the time since mainly working my butt off because..

We fly to Hawaii on Thursday!

If you know me personally (hi) you'll already be aware of this, and probably want me to be quiet about the whole thing already. But really, I'm so excited about it that I can't, so sorry not sorry.

We're going for three weeks, starting on Maui then flying to Kauai and the finishing the trip in Oahu (for my cake day). Tips? Recommendations? Want to make little whoops of joy with me (sounds like a euphemism, promise it isn't)? Feel free to comment below.

I also thought I'd give you a little rundown of our travel plans for the next few months - as you're here I'm going to assume you're at least like 10% interested? I'm still not great at this whole chatting about myself thing, if you hadn't noticed.

After Hawaii, we'll be heading back to Vancouver for our final month here, during which time we plan to do some camping and maybe head back to Vancouver Island. After that, we're flying home to the UK for a wedding and to see a few people. Then it's out to Copenhagen and southern Sweden to see my sister and some friends, before a little roadtrip around the southern coast of Cornwall. After that, it's heads down at home to muster up as much moolah as possible for our three-month Asia trip in December.

I feel pretty excited about it all. I really value having a place of our own, so I think I'll miss that. But really, as much as we like Vancouver, we've kinda come to the end of what we wanted to do here, and it's time to move on. I'm looking forward to that richness that travel brings. I was constantly inspired when we were on the road last time, so I'm ready to welcome some of that fresh inspiration back into my life again. Yay for exciting times ahead.

How about you? What are your summer plans? I'd love to know.

Starting Again

Starting Again

