

Performing at the University Camarade IV

Performing at the University Camarade IV

Oh hi there!

It’s been a long time since I posted anything - since moving to York and starting my MA, things have been quite full-on. Between studying, working full time, singing in my choir, blogging and teaching fitness classes for the university and all of my aerial adventures, I haven’t found much time to post.

But the reason I started this blog in the first place was to document the things I’m doing - and to give my writing a digital home - so I’m going to try to get things a little more organised around here. As my work continues to develop and I grow as a professional writer, I want to share the little achievements along the way.

The first was a recent project I did through York St John, called the Camarade IV. Writers from universities across the country are paired up over email, and given 3-4 months to collaborate on a creative piece of writing for performance. I was so lucky to be put with my partner, Anu - we got on so well from the first email, and had so much in common. We decided to create a piece around the theme of travel, interweaving two narratives - one from someone coming home, and the other someone going on an adventure.

The pieces (11 in total) were to be performed at an event in London on the 9th February. Anu and I met up for dinner beforehand and got along just as well in person. It made me feel a lot more confident and comfortable about performing! We were second to read our piece out loud to around 50 people, and I was really pleased with how it went. If you fancy, you can watch our performance below. Its’s the first time I’ve properly performed my work and I enjoyed it so much more than I expected to. It’s made me really want to do more things like it!

I've been published in WASTE magazine!

I've been published in WASTE magazine!

Starting Again

Starting Again